
Research tells us the early childhood years are a critical time in a child’s social and emotional development. Throughout this learning kete tamariki will be exploring feelings and emotions, will learn strategies to help manage and regulate overwhelming feelings and will learn how to have positive interactions with others, both human and non-human animals. Tamariki will be introduced to key dog bite prevention tips and how to interact in a safe and positive way.

Feelings and Communication

Feelings and Communication

These learning experiences will support tamariki in developing social and emotional competencies towards both human and non-human animals. Tamariki will be learning how to recognise and name different feelings and how these feelings can be expressed through facial expressions, body language and vocalisations. Tamariki will be offered opportunities to heighten their awareness of their own feelings and the feelings of others. These opportunities will also support them to understand how their choices can impact their feelings and the feelings of others. They will also learn how to notice the subtle signs dogs and cats give and to interpret what they are communicating and how they are feeling.

Kete Resources and Suggested Experiences:

  • Human, Dog and Cat Feeling Cards – emotional literacy

  • Feeling Faces – understanding feelings and emotions

  • Dog Feelings – matching game

  • Suggested ‘Feelings’ Stories – emotional literacy and pro-social examples

  • Live Animal Camera – caring about others

  • Drawing My Feelings – art expression

  • Feelings Song – music and movement

  • Making Faces – facial expression game 

Created on: 3/04/2024 7:43:08 PM Modified on: 16/09/2024 9:55:49 AM
Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Throughout these learning experiences tamariki will develop an awareness of how their decisions 
and actions can affect themselves and others, in a positive or negative way. Tamariki will be encouraged to consider the feelings of others and how their actions can affect the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of others, both human and non-human animals. Tamariki will be supported in learning techniques and strategies to manage and regulate overwhelming feelings and impulses. These skills will aid tamariki in forming positive relationships and having positive interactions with both human and non-human animals.

Resources and Suggested Experiences:

  • Animal Puppets – creativity, arts and crafts

  • How I Am Kind to Animals Profile – art, literacy and creativity

  • Forever Home Board Game – turn taking, rule following and morals

  • Traffic Light Game – emotion regulation learning

Created on: 3/04/2024 7:48:03 PM Modified on: 3/04/2024 7:55:17 PM
Dog Safety

Dog Safety

Throughout these learning experiences tamariki will learn key dog bite prevention tips and how to 
interact with a dog in a safe and positive way. It is important tamariki are given the opportunity to practise how to behave around dogs in order for them to have the best chance of recalling what to do if a real-life dog situation occurred. Kaiako and whānau are encouraged to engage in an open kōrero about dog safety in the hopes of lowering dog bite statistics and keeping tamariki and dogs safe.


Kete Resources and Suggested Experiences:

  • Be a Tree Poster

  • Be a Stone Poster

  • Meet and Greet – magnetic story

  • DIY Dog Costume – arts and crafts

  • Meet and Greet Role Play – dramatic play

  • Dog Safety Puzzles – perseverance, problem solving and fine motor control


Created on: 3/04/2024 7:08:12 PM Modified on: 3/04/2024 7:39:39 PM