Te Tiriti o Waitangi 

SPCA’s Resources for Early Learning reflect the bicultural foundation of Te Whāriki, our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the multicultural presence of Aotearoa, New Zealand. We intend for the resources to be adapted by kaiako in a culturally responsive manner, tailored to the individual ākonga. Recognising the importance of a holistic approach, the resources embrace the four cornerstones of wellbeing as described by Durie (1984) in Te Whare Tapa Whā: te taha wairua (the spiritual dimension), te taha hinengaro (the mental dimension), te taha tinana (the physical dimension), and te taha whänau (the family dimension).


Māori Principles of Learning

SPCA’s Resources for Early Learning are founded on the Māori principles of learning, ako and tuakana-teina. Ako describes a reciprocal teaching and learning relationship where the educator is also learning from the student in a two-way process. Tuakana-teina describes when an older or more knowledgeable child supports the learning of a younger or less knowledgeable child. Where possible, throughout these resources we encourage kaiako to empower tamariki to lead their own learning journey, to share their knowledge and expertise and be open to learning from their peers. We believe whānau, both human and non-human animals, are valued members of the learning and teaching community and have valuable knowledge and insight to contribute.


Diversity and Individuality

SPCA’s Resources for Early Learning are designed to be woven into individual settings in a way that reflects their learning community and the needs of individual tamariki. We acknowledge the importance of respectful and culturally responsive relationships in education and encourage kaiako to use these resources for guidance and support but to adapt them for their particular tamariki, pedagogy and curriculum.