Principles of Te Whāriki

Te Whāriki’s four principles create the foundation in which SPCA’s Resources for Early Learning are built upon and aspire to uphold.

Empowerment ǀ Whakamana

These resources empower tamariki to learn and grow in an environment that supports their interests, where play is valued and tamariki have agency to steer their own learning journey.


Holistic development ǀ Kotahitanga

We acknowledge tamariki develop holistically, therefore these resources provide a broad, rich curriculum to support all dimensions of human development and wellbeing.  


Family and community ǀ Whānau Tangata

We acknowledge tamariki learn best when their culture, knowledge and community are affirmed, valued and built upon with the people in their lives that help make connections across settings. These resources build upon a child’s knowledge and experiences, and encourage whānau involvement.


Relationships ǀ Ngā Hononga

These resources empower tamariki to learn through responsive and reciprocal relationships with people, places and things.


Learning Strands

SPCA’s Resources for Early Learning provide opportunities for tamariki to develop in each of Te Whāriki’s five learning strands.

Wellbeing ǀ Mana Atua

Tamariki will develop a sense of self-worth, identity and build confidence in their ability to make choices in keeping themselves and others safe from harm. These resources will support tamariki to express their feelings and needs, to become capable of respecting others and tikanga, to nurture social and emotional competency and to develop positive attitudes towards animal welfare.


Belonging ǀ Mana Whenua

Tamariki will become increasingly capable of connecting their learning between ECE setting, home and community. This will strengthen a sense of belonging, responsibility and respect for the people, animals, places and things in their world.


Contribution ǀ Mana Tangata

Tamariki will learn with and alongside others. It is through these interactions they learn to contribute, take another’s point of view, empathise and develop the confidence to stand up against discriminatory behaviour, biased ideas and take action to promote animal welfare.


Communication ǀ Mana Reo

Tamariki will become increasingly capable in their ability to express and respond to verbal and non-verbal communication, building upon their emotional literacy, social competence and use of language, symbols and stories to communicate and endorse animal welfare actions.  


Exploration ǀ Mana Aotūroa

Through play tamariki will use critical thinking, problem solving and exploration to connect with, learn about and care for their own and wider worlds. Tamariki will generate and refine working theories that will inform animal welfare decisions and actions.